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Smith & Warren Custom Badges 
Smith & Warren Custom Badges

You can create your Smith & Warren Badge by clicking this link:

Create a Custom Badge

10-8 Duty Gear will discount your order and not charge shipping to all orders that are:

  • Ordered at the store, or
  • Faxed to 10-8 at: 703-550-5564, or
  • Emailed to: sales@10-8dutygear.com

    We will need the following information:

  • A copy of your “current creds” (if ordering an LEO badge)
  • A copy of your custom badge (this can be printed from the Smith & Warren website.

    If you have any additional questions, please contact 10-8 Duty Gear Sales at 703-359-6900 ext 0.

Price: Call For Pricing


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